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5 Ways to Fill Your Cup

November 24, 20234 min read

5 Ways to Fill Your Cup

Self-Care is Essential

What comes to mind when you think about self-care? Spa days and soaking in a deep tub surrounded by bubbles? Those are lovely options, but wait, there’s more. Self-care and self-love are more than just occasional pampering.

Creating regular routines and practices are a sustainable way to a happier, healthier you.

Why is self-care important? Let me count the ways. First of all, it’s been proven that the benefits you can reap are more happiness, confidence, and productivity.

Love Yourself First

Neglecting self-care can lead to feeling anxious and burned out. Have you ever heard the phrase “You can’t pour from an empty cup?” It’s nearly impossible to run a home and a business, take care of a family, or even be a great friend if you are running on empty. Taking care of yourself first gives you the energy and love to be able to best support your kids, your partner, your friends, and your colleagues.

Anything you do to nourish your physical, emotional, and mental health is considered self-care.

5 Self-Care Strategies:

1. Be your own best friend

If you’ve ever found yourself saying or thinking things about yourself that you’d never dare say about another person, it’s time to implement positive self-talk. Replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones.

Easier said than done, right? To help you get started, write down a few things you love about yourself and read them every day; several times a day, in fact. Add in words of gratitude. Speak those words out loud and smell or diffuse an essential oil, like Believe, Valor, Transformation, Gratitude, Grounding, or Motivation, for example. Explore your options here.

2. Choose Good Nutrition

Feeling good about yourself and caring for yourself starts from the inside out. Your daily eating habits have a long-term impact on everything from your immune system and gut health to the quality of your sleep.

Keep your nutrition simple by drinking plenty of water, eating the rainbow, and getting in some good fats and lean protein. If you feel like you’re still not getting the nutrients you need, I can guide you and make recommendations! Also, get the extra nutrition support with the right supplements.

3. Give your brain a break

With endless to-do lists and demands on your time and attention,  it can put your brain on overload. Take a few minutes to stop, pray, and meditate on God’s Word. Let God fill your heart. Allow His peace, strength, and love flow in and through you.  Taking time for this has many benefits, you will be anxious for nothing, which will boost your mood and reduce stress. Even if you find it difficult to calm your racing thoughts at first, just sitting and taking a few deep breaths will do wonders to help you relax physically and mentally.

4. Make movement a priority

Whether it’s a walk around the block, a dance party with the kids, or a powerlifting session at the gym, the health benefits of moving your body, and negatives of sitting all day, are too great to ignore. If you’re out of practice with movement, start small with 10 or 15 minutes a day and pick something you love or something easy to work into your schedule. Walk the kids to school instead of driving, dance while you cook dinner, or do a 15-minute video before winding down for the evening.

5. Embrace the art of slow travel

Vacations are an important part of self-care, but have you ever come back from one and felt like you needed another vacation to recover from it? If you often experience travel fatigue, then slow travelling may be just what you need. An alternative to traditional tourism, slow travelling is all about pacing yourself for a more immersive experience.

For example, instead of cramming your itinerary full of tourist spots, slow down and get a taste of what day-to-day life is like for the locals. Stay in a home with character; eat at small, family-run restaurants; and spend time exploring your surroundings without feeling pressured to document it on social media. When you let mindfulness and self-care guide your itinerary, you’ll come back from your vacation more refreshed and ready to share your best self with your friends, family members, and the world.

As I write this, I will be travelling to Cancun soon.

No matter what you do, take time for you.

Let me know how I can help.

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