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image of 3 teenage girls sitting together on a bench. The two girls sitting on the outside are trying to console the girl in the middle who is visually upset

What Matters Most

December 15, 20232 min read

What Matters Most

The day of 9/11 was a day of tragedy and sorrow. It was the attack on America in 2001 that will never be forgotten. My heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones. Thank you to all the first responders.

That was an eye-opener for what matters most.

I almost lost a dear son on August 22, 2021. He is a first responder, but it was a motorcycle accident that threatened his life. Thankfully, his life was spared. Make family a priority. Love conquers all. Forgiveness opens the door to restoration, peace, harmony, and unity.

Read my article here about Unity in the Home Publications.

There will always be things to do. Your calendar is full. If you don’t schedule time for the people you love, nobody will do it for you. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
    the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Everyone is but a breath,
    even those who seem secure. ~ Psalm 39:5

Every sunrise is a gift from God.

Live each day to the fullest as though it could be your last day. When that day comes, decide NOW what your eternal address will be. Choose 777 Heaven. Your mansion awaits you. Travel to the right destination.

It is my mission to tell you that there is only One True God. Ask Him yourself. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

I almost lost my life too soon.

At that time, my eternal future was in a place of hopelessness, despair, and destruction. Then, I found Hope. I knew my story must be told. My message is meant to get into your hands.

This message is in my book:  The LORI Factor:  Live the Life You Were Born to Live

Here is a description of The LORI Factor

This book has the potential to become the avenue to your miracle. It gives insights and examples of personal experiences that are relatable and real.

Lori Bruton is a messenger of HOPE who gives you hope for the future and POWER in the present. Do you know that you have more inside you that’s waiting to come out?

“If you are seeking direction and looking for a way to transform your life, keep reading! The LORI Factor will show you the way.” Les Brown

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