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image of a girl holding a piece of paper in front of her mouth depicting a fake smile. The mascara on her eyes is running down her face from crying and is hiding her sadness behind the fake paper smile

The Flight Back Home Connected To A Suicide Story

December 29, 20232 min read

The Flight Back Home Connected To A Suicide Story

Flight Connection

It was time to depart. I boarded the airplane. A delightful woman sat next to me on my flight back home. She shared her bag of blue chips with me. She also shared that her daughter committed suicide. It was then that I knew this was a divine appointment.

I listened to her story. I felt led to share my experience, hoping she would find comfort and a connection with me.

It’s easier to stay silent and not share, especially on the topic of suicide. This conversation prompted me to speak up. I wrote a book called The LORI Factor that is meant to help others. However, I have not shared enough about it.

Suicide Story

It took courage to write that book, especially telling how there was a time I attempted suicide. I am thankful I am alive to change and save lives with my message. This book is not just about my story; it’s about giving you hope and making a difference.

Too many people believe lies about themselves and feel unworthy and hopeless. Some get blinded by the pain and make a permanent decision to a temporary problem. If that’s you or someone you know, you landed on this blog for a reason. You are meant to be here.

We all need support and encouragement. I learned that the woman who chose to sit next to me on that flight created support services for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. We are both on a similar mission.

Especially this time of year, during the holiday season, suicide rates increase. I know my life was spared so I can help people choose life not death.

Message of Hope

Let me show you how to have a Larger vision of yourself beyond your circumstances. That is what the “L” stands for in The LORI Factor book.

There is light past the darkness. Take flight and soar. You are meant for more. Take a deep breath. Hang on. There is hope. Have faith in the now.

Be present. That is the best gift for yourself and everyone else.

I am grateful that I get to guide those on how to choose life and live the life they were born to live.

Feel free to reach out to me. Let me know how I can serve you and add value to your life.

Are you looking for a guest on your podcast or radio show? I would be delighted to be your guest.

Read my book or give it as a gift. You can get it here or on Amazon

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